Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This data was taken from the 2000 Census and data as reported in the West Hollywood Speaks Community Report from 2006, which is a random survey of 4,000 West Hollywood Citizens conducted in November 2005.

Population: about 36,000*

Breakdown by target population
Gay/Bisexual Men: 39%
Seniors: 21%
Families with children: 7%
Immigrants from former Soviet Union: 8%
Women: 43%
Households affected by HIV/AIDS: 10%
People living with disabilities: 23%

Breakdown by ethnicity
African-American: 2%
Latino/Latina: 5%
Other Anglo/White/Caucasian: 87%
Pacific Islander: 4%
Other: 1%

Male: 57%
Female: 43%
Transgender: 1%

18 - 24: 2%
25 - 34: 18%
35 - 44: 27%
45 - 54: 18%
55 - 64: 14%
65 - 80: 16%
80+: 5%

Less than $25,000: 24%
$25,000 - $49,000: 22%
$50,000 - $99,000: 31%
$100,000+: 23%

* According to 2000 census, the population was 35,716. West Hollywood has experienced an average growth rate of 1.15% each decade since 1980, so the projected population for 2010 would be roughly 36,109.

West Hollywood has large gay, and Russian Immigrant populations. These populations are prevalent in the community. The presence of the gay population is made visible by the display of rainbow flags, the many gay bars, and an empty store front that used to be “A Different Light Bookstore.” “A Different Light Bookstore” carried Gay & Lesbian literature, books, magazines, and movies. The Russian population is made visible by the Russian transcription on store fronts along Santa Monica Blvd and monuments in Plummer Park.

Representation of the two most prevalent populations in West Hollywood:


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